
Read and Review

I am always looking for new books to read and the best finds often come from recommendations so if you have a book you would like to see reviewed please send me an email at

Friday, August 19, 2011

Honey Moon

I am off on my honeymoon today! We are taking a Baltic cruise for 12 days and I can't wait to come back with lots of stories to tell you and maybe some inspiration to read some Baltic authors. Not to worry though I have posts queued up for while I am gone. I am hoping to get some reading done while I am away. I need to finish Lord of the Flies and I would love to start and finish The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen so stay tuned for reviews. Hopefully we don't miss the boat a la I Love Lucy! Did anyone else watch that show? My mom was a huge fan so I grew up on it. 

1 comment:

  1. O congratulations!! When did you get married? I am insanely jealous of your cruise. Would love to do that! Please post some photos!
