
Read and Review

I am always looking for new books to read and the best finds often come from recommendations so if you have a book you would like to see reviewed please send me an email at

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Lord of the Flies - William Golding

I was able to finish this book while waiting in the Toronto airport for our flight to Copenhagen. Even though it has been a month since I left these characters behind the story has stayed with me. Golding tells the story of a group of British boys under the age of 12 who have been stranded on a deserted island. In the beginning the boys try to recreate the world they left behind. They appoint a leader, gather food, build shelters, and try to come up with a plan to be rescued. As the days go by discord among the group begins and a second leader arises. This splits the boys into two distinct groups, blood is spilled, democracy crumbles, and chaos ensues. 

For a book with a seemingly simple story line Golding explores a lot of complex themes. The question of human nature and what happens when we are left to our own devices is prevalent as is the themes of leadership, fear, survival, and the questioning of society as we know it. I think I was most surprised by the level of the language in the novel. I had judged that since this book is read at the grade 10 level in most secondary schools that the language would be more simplistic but is truly a very well written book. I believe we all have a little of Jack and Ralph in is, the question is which part prevails and in what circumstances.

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